Jumat, 30 Oktober 2015

Quest #24 Roller Coaster

Roller Coaster
This challenge is all about building roller coasters that you can ride on using mine carts. You will have to use red stone to power the carts on some slopes. How many powered rails do you need to get up different slopes? Share how you design and build these powered sections, along with screenshots of your roller coaster.


Sabtu, 19 September 2015

Quest #23 Design The Home of The Three Bears

Three Bears Home Design
Do you know the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears? Of course you have! Well I built a home for them the way I imagined it must look like. Your challenge is to build the home of the Three Bears.
How will you show the different sizes in the kitchen and bedroom?
Send me screenshots or describe your build in the comments.

Jumat, 11 September 2015

INTERFACE Junior Awards – Minecraft 2015

It time to show off your skills and enter the INTERFACE Junior Awards – Minecraft competition, which closes on the 6 November 2015. You can win a Parrot Mini Drone Rolling Spider for your classroom. You will need a teacher to help you enter.

There are four categories: 

  1. Your Dream Classroom
  2. Your Dream School
  3. Freestyle
  4. New Zealand Buildings

After the closing date, please send us a copy of your entries for our blog.

Kamis, 10 September 2015

Quest #22 Survive 3 Nights

Your challenge is to survive 3 nights in Minecraft Survival:
  • without sleeping
  • by staying outside

THEN… share your experience as a comment below. 

  • Did you make it? 
  • What was your worst moment? 
  • What was you best experience?

Thank you, Cameron and Cullen, for the idea.

Minggu, 22 Desember 2013

Quest #21 Christmas Theme

Christmas Theme
Get into the Christmas spirit and build something with a Christmas theme.
How about a giant Santa, a nativity scene or a xmas tree.

Have a merry Christmas.

Sabtu, 14 Desember 2013

Quest #20 Shopping Mall

Shopping Mall
This quest was suggested by Boston on our Ideas Wall.   
Build a shopping mall or try copy your local mall.  
Included all the shops and entertainment.

Email a screenshot of your mall for the blog.

Jumat, 22 November 2013

Quest #19 Jack and the Beanstalk

Jack and the Beanstalk

Jack and the Beanstalk is one of my favourite Fairy Tales because Jack is willing to take risks.
Build a beanstalk from Jacks house to the Giants Castle.

Get some friends together and act out Jack and the Beanstalk in Minecraft.

How high can you go?  Watch a real bean grow in fast time.

You can grow your own beanstalk at home!